domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015


This Excellent band was presented in Colombia in april 21th of 2015 in the Simon Bolivar park, whit their best hits like:

  1. Radioavtive
  2. I'ts Time
  3. Demons
  4. Warriors
  5. Shots
  6. On Top of the World
The experience in the concert was excepcional, and I was very happy, because it was the second time when I go to a concert. 

Dann, is beautiful and funny, He  know's speak spanish and when he do, it was hilarious, He study spanish when he was  boy 

It was a AWSOME concert, and I hope to see them again.

2 comentarios:

  1. Nicole

    It's very nice to meet both of music in English, no matter the genre, and more that you could attend a concert of a group that you like so much.

    1. Yeah, I love a lot of music, but a concert is another thing, the energy and the people... is just great :)
